Tuesday, November 30, 2010


if i could be totally honest with myself
and then you would not hurt me
i couldn't look into your eyes and lie
i could not i would rather die
if i could look into myself you would not
you would not be able to
see me

Friday, November 26, 2010

some kind of woman

i remember putting on this dress in montreal with a pair of 50s black suede stilettos and thinking to myself, "i have no date tonight". what a woman. what an evil kind of woman.


nice sunset
you love it when the clouds break
i was not invited
professional dry cleaning only
needless to say she's happy
the cast iron keeps warm for 11 minutes
but you did not eat a thing
no, sweetheart
you did not eat a thing

Monday, November 8, 2010

shallow curiosity

how can you be this beautiful??????

Friday, November 5, 2010

writers block/portrait of a woman

newspaper folded in lap, head back, relaxed jaw, heavy silent breathing, slicked back ponytail, fleece winter jacket, construction company, dry, wrinkled hands, skinny legs, boxed torso, big teeth, snoring, snoring, snoring, fragile hands holding, computer technician, customer service agent, website designer, entirely unflattering glasses, bemused reaction, no children, no husband, no vices