Sunday, April 27, 2008

i want the right things to happen at the right times for the right reasons so i'm always upset nothing turns out that way since mortally imperfect manifestations are neither right nor wrong but rather really innately full of meaninglessness

i just want everything to be right in the universe


yet i am so lonely
yet i am so fulfilled
yet i am so beautiful
yet i am so angry
yet i am so fancy
yet i care so little
yet i want everything
yet i have nothing
yet i live in excess
yet i am unhappy
yet i am unhappy
yet i am unhappy

i mean sadness is only a word really

Saturday, April 5, 2008

what i really mean

i mean it means everything
i mean it means i'm more existential than you
i mean you mean to say you exist more than me
i mean your meaning is so meaningful to me
this menacing muddy meaning
i mean i want to master your meaningfulness
and melt all over it
and cum all over it

i just want your meaning to mean more than i mean
i mean i mean nothing in particular
precisely and properly commemorating most
i mean i exist

you'll see sometime

muttering meaning

i mean its all melting into the most meaningful sentence you've ever uttered
i'm melting into the most meaningful moment
into the most meaningful puddle of ponderance and purity
i'm just melting gently into juices
i'm just melting juices of puzzling ponderance
melting into it
this tiny light bright ball
its all melting into the most meaning
it means everything existentially
it means i exist externally
its means the big did bang
its means i'm dreaming lucidly
its means me and you
have existentially melted into each other
over moments of melting ice and juices
it means there's meaning
it all mean means something
me and you and everybody else and this tiny light bright ball

but i can stop melting

Thursday, April 3, 2008

deep house

"there ain't shit in the past. just convoluted memories."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

it's all melting into the most meaningful sentence you've ever uttered
i mean i'm ignoring your calls i just won't pick up
"i always had this fantasy that a hot coat check girl would put her in number in my coat"

i mean i just don't feel like talking

"we are doomed"